Pursuing a MedMal claim can be a complex and challenging process. If you are a healthcare professional facing a medical malpractice claim, the first step is to seek legal advice from an experienced medical malpractice defense attorney.
Here are some of the initial steps that your attorney may advise you to take:
Notify your insurance company: If you have medical malpractice insurance, you should notify your insurance company immediately. Your insurance company will assign an attorney to defend you and work with you throughout the claims process.
Gather all relevant medical records: Collect all medical records and documents related to the incident. This may include medical bills, test results, doctor's notes, and prescriptions.
Write down everything you remember: Write down all the details about the incident, including dates, times, and any conversations you had with the patient or other medical professionals.
Conduct an internal review: Conduct an internal review of the incident to determine whether any protocols were not followed or whether any improvements can be made to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
Contact a medical malpractice defense attorney: Contact an experienced medical malpractice defense attorney who can advise you on the next steps and help you defend against the claim. Your attorney will review your evidence and determine whether you have a strong defense.
It's important to note that MedMal laws and procedures can vary from state to state, so it's essential to consult with a qualified attorney familiar with your jurisdiction's laws. Be protected, Contact SelectFirst Insurance today.
Contact SelectFirst Insurance today for help with your Medmal insurance. Call (888) 966-3881or Email us at info@selectfirstinsurance.com. Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for general informational purposes only. The blog's content is not intended as legal, financial, or professional advice. By accessing this blog, you acknowledge and accept these terms of use and any additional terms and conditions that may appear on this blog from time to time.