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Coverage vs. Costs: Understanding Defense Costs in Pathology Malpractice Insurance

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

We embark on a journey through the intricate world of protecting pathology professionals against potential liabilities. Whether you're a seasoned pathologist or simply interested in the dynamics of malpractice insurance, this article will provide valuable insights into making informed decisions and ensuring the protection of both your practice and your patients' well-being.

1. What specific coverage does a pathologist need? Most pathologists will require professional liability insurance, which covers the cost of defending against allegations of negligence and any damages awarded in a lawsuit. This insurance should be extensive enough to cover all aspects of your practice including diagnosis, consultation, and lab work.

2. Does the policy cover gross negligence or errors in diagnosis? Most professional liability insurance policies for pathologists will cover errors in diagnosis, as this is a core aspect of a pathologist's work. However, gross negligence, often defined as a conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care, may not be covered. Each policy is different, so you should check with your provider.

SelectFirst Insurance Pathology Malpractice Insurance

3. What happens if a misdiagnosis or error occurs and I am sued after my policy ends? This situation would be covered under a "tail" coverage if you have a claims-made policy. Tail coverage extends the reporting period of the policy so you can report claims that are made after the policy ends, but are for incidents that occurred while the policy was active.

4. Does the policy cover laboratory accidents? This depends on the policy, but typically professional liability insurance will cover accidents related to your professional services. However, you may also want to consider a general liability policy to cover accidents that could happen on your premises that are not related to professional services.

5. Are defense costs covered outside of the policy limit? This depends on the insurer and policy. Some insurance policies cover legal fees outside of the policy limit, while others may subtract legal fees from the policy limit.

6. Are all my subspecialties covered under the policy? This would depend on the insurance policy. Some may offer broad coverage that encompasses all your professional activities, while others may specify particular practices.

7. Is there a consent to settle clause in the policy? Many malpractice insurance policies include a "consent to settle" clause. This clause means the insurer cannot settle a case without your agreement. However, not all policies have this clause, and some might have a "hammer clause" which may penalize you if you refuse a settlement.

8. What are the policy limits? Policy limits vary based on the insurer and the specific policy. The limit will be the maximum amount the insurance company will pay for a claim.

9. Does the policy cover any punitive damages? Many professional liability policies exclude coverage for punitive damages as they are intended to punish the offender, rather than to compensate the victim. But this can vary, so it's important to verify with your insurance provider.

10. Are there any discounts or premium reductions for risk management activities? Some insurers may offer premium reductions or discounts for certain risk management activities. You'll need to check with your insurer to see what discounts may be available.

11. What is the insurer's financial strength rating? As an AI, I don't have real-time data, but financial strength ratings can be found on rating agencies' websites like A.M. Best, S&P, Moody's, and Fitch.

12. How does the insurer handle claims? Each insurer has its own process for handling claims. Some may assign a personal claims representative to guide you through the process, while others might use a more automated process. You can typically find information about the claims process on the insurer's website or by asking the insurer directly.

Contact SelectFirst Insurance today for help with your Medmal insurance. Call (888) 966-3881 or Email us at

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